

Musings on photography adventures, near and far.

Capturing the Moon

My friend and fellow Dredger Celeste is to blame for this one! Inspired by her telescope adventures I bought one and of course had to also get all sorts of things to attach my camera (and phone) to the thing. But turns out - a low price point telescope is just as frustrating as it is delightful. The main issue is that the attachments add weight to the viewing end so the whole thing is extremely hard to center on what you’re looking for. After many attempts, finally captured miss moon in all her wondrous glory! I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to capture anything smaller or less bright though- the moon was huge and still hard to manage!

After many attempts, I was finally able to get the various attachments I got for my impluse-buy telescope to work!

And finally, a composite shot of the moon rising. Mom ran to get the tripod to get this shot! I usually hate compositing, but couldn’t manage to get the moon and the landscape in one shot. I suppose some people would call this stacking? I hate when I can’t get the shot I want without layering. My dream shot is managed only with lightroom. I’ve been realizing lately that so many of the photographers I follow hop into photoshop to ‘fix’ things. I guess whatever gets you to your end goal, but really… if it’s composited I wish folks would just say so.