


Hi. My name is Nicole. I live in Brooklyn, NY.

Looking for vultures in Bugarach, France.

I’m a photographer and adventurer. I live in Gowanus, an industrial area surrounded by warehouses and highways, and take joy in finding pockets of nature. I like taking photos of birds and landscapes and fancy dresses blowing in the wind. I love to travel with my husband Chris and snuggle on the couch with our one-eyed cat Fern.

I’m a board member and official photographer of the Gowanus Dredgers canoe club, which means I can often be found with a camera around my neck and a paddle in my hands. Come visit me in Brooklyn and I’ll happily take you on a paddle or show you around my favorite local birding spots, like Green-Wood Cemetery.

I shoot with Sonys, edit in Lightroom (mostly) and share my work here and on instagram where I’m @ducksRfriends. I have select prints available for purchase through my shop linked above.

My happy place - documenting nature along the mucky edges of the canal.