

Musings on photography adventures, near and far.

Sisters together.

My main outlet to share images has been through Instagram. I don’t like facebook, I’m terrible at updating my portfolio site and for some reason Flickr just doesn’t strike me the same way it used to. So, a new venture. I figure I’ll share images and some behind-the-scenes context on this site. Finally free of Instagram’s weird cropping! Who knows if I’ll get any views over here, but I’ll experiment with it for a bit and see where it takes me.

As Alexis was a part of what got my whole photography journey re-started, it seems appropriate that my first write-up here is inspired by her recent visit to the East Coast. We’ve both been experimenting with photography more and more lately, and it was wonderful to have a partner in crime to play around with. I picked her up at the airport, after one of the most beautiful sunrises I’ve had the mis-fortune to be behind the wheel for (and thus unable to capture). Sister successfully scooped up, we headed off to the lower Catskills. Our Airb’n’b hosts said we could check in as early as we liked, but when we arrived in the area at around 8AM, that felt a little too early so we wandered around for a bit. We found a lake that we intended to return to for some canoe rentals and a road in a ‘multi use area’ full of green fields and high power lines. With yet more time to kill before we could reasonably check in, I threw on a red dress and tried not to twist my ankle running around the rocky road. This seemed like a great place to test out my new 100-400mm lens. As jet-lagged as she was, Alexis was still a good sport in trying to make an unfamiliar set up work for her.

Finally it was time to check in, so off to our home for the next few nights!